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A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

Brandon McCapes

Brandon McCapes, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Brandon McCapes was asleep the night of the North Bay fires. He certainly didn’t start them. He was asleep, not pulling a “Nightcrawler.”

Brandon grew up in Davis where he learned to be pretentious. After traveling around California, attending a stupid number of two-and-four-year schools, circumstances landed him in Santa Rosa where he wallowed in stagnancy until signing up for The Oak Leaf. Through manipulation, misdirection and malice, he became News Editor during the wildfires and Co-editor-in-chief Spring 2018. His hobbies include making up sources, asking leading questions and over-editing other people’s articles to make himself feel better.

All content by Brandon McCapes
Fires rage in the hills of Fountaingrove over the ruins of Journey’s End Mobile Home Park on the morning of Oct. 9.

Sonoma County’s week from hell

Brandon McCapes, Co-Editor-in-Chief
May 3, 2018

[Video] Board of Trustees 3/13

Brandon McCapes, Co-Editor-in-Chief
March 15, 2018
Lauryn Gamble, 26, holds a flag representing Lilith in front of the Cry to God demonstration  Feb. 6 in front of Bertolini.

God hates us: why I repented (satire)

Brandon McCapes, Co-Editor-in-Chief
February 7, 2018
Caminos guiados por California

Caminos guiados por California

Brandon McCapes, Co-Editor-in-Chief
February 5, 2018
Our lives are utterly brief and unimportant when one considers the vastness of time and space.

February Horoscopes: Nihilism(!) Edition

Brandon McCapes, Co-Editor-in-Chief
January 25, 2018
Homes in Fountaingrove destroyed by the North Bay Fires.

Should I stay or should I go

Brandon McCapes, News Editor
December 11, 2017
Trial by fire

Trial by fire

Brandon McCapes, News Editor
October 31, 2017
A firefighter watches a controlled burn outside the juvenile correctional facility near Kenwood.

From the ashes we will rise

Brandon McCapes, News Editor
October 31, 2017
The Tubbs Fire rages in the hills over the destroyed Journey's End mobile home park North of Kaiser Hospital, Oct. 9.

Fire in the City

Brandon McCapes, News Editor
October 31, 2017
The sun rises over a smoky sky at SRJC on Monday Oct. 9.


Brandon McCapes, Deputy News Editor
October 18, 2017
Rumor has it

Rumor has it

Brandon McCapes, Deputy News Editor
October 12, 2017