Today, we discuss and debate whether teachers should be able to carry firearms in the classroom as a defense against school shooters. We have a special guest, who takes the place of our usual centrist.
Over The Party Line Episode 3: Stay Strapped or get Clapped?
May 10, 2024

About the Contributors

Jesus Lopez Cruz, Podcaster
Jesus Lopez Cruz is in his fourth semester of taking The Oak Leaf. He’s exploring multi-media news and hopes to transfer to a four-year in 2026. Holds hopes to move to Nashville Tennessee and find a career in post-production editing.

Sal Sandoval-Garduno, News Editor
Sal Sandoval-Garduno is in his 1st semester at the Oak Leaf and is hoping to transfer to Cal Poly Humboldt to continue majoring in Journalism. Sal can normally be found scurrying around abandoned buildings, engaging in deep philosophical debates on long drives, and being reminded of his lack of gym attendance at punk show mosh pits.

Emelle Raschein, Managing Editor
Emelle Raschein is in her fourth semester at The Oak Leaf News. After moving up from reporter to News Editor, Emelle has become the new Managing Editor of the news organization. Emelle hopes to transfer to a CSU in the near future and work towards becoming an investigative reporter.