Two aspiring SRJC creatives, Kevin Terlizzi-Bowes and Lucas Cadigan-Carranza welcome you to join in on their inaugural episode about storytelling and the mechanics that make a good story. So join them and listen to them break down all types of media, from the nuances of movie openings to the gripping starting cinematics of video games.
By the Fireside Episode 1: How to Begin a Story
October 19, 2024

About the Contributors

Kevin Terlizzi-Bowes, Podcast Editor
Kevin Terlizzi-Bowes is a reporter and podcast editor for the Oak Leaf. His joy in storytelling and interest in history drives him to improve his writing abilities while learning journalistic standards. His range of coverage tends to be as broad as his list of hobbies and past times.

Lucas Cadigan-Carranza, Editor-In-Chief
Lucas Cadigan-Carranza is finishing his third year at The Oak Leaf, but he has been at SRJC for much longer, finally transferring to a CSU in Southern California in the fall. He loves talking about video games but has enjoyed his time as The Oak Leaf’s Theatre Arts reporter and is excited to continue his run as Co-Editor-in-Chief.