It’s time to reflect on the love and respect we show others and build a deeper understanding of neurodivergent brains for World Autism Awareness Day, April 2.
Despite Autism being a part of the human population since recorded history, and probably longer, it remains highly stigmatized. Autistics can have difficulty communicating with non-Autistic individuals, which causes their peers to label them as weird or “off” in some way, usually leading to bullying or ostracization.
As a result of this treatment, depression and anxiety disorders are often associated with Autism. Much of this can be reversed simply by talking to Autistics and taking time to understand how their neurodivergent brains work.
Autism stigmatization has also led to non-Autistics, or Neurotypicals, overlooking the contributions Autistics have made to the progression of human-kind. Autism is associated with thinking “outside the box” and pushing cognitive boundaries. Some famous people in history who are known or thought to be Autistic are Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, Emily Dickenson and Ludwig van Beethoven.
The term neurodivergent not only applies to Autistic individuals, but Dyslexic and ADHD people as well. Dyslexics and ADHDers are also free-thinkers who have contributed to changing the world in the face of discrimination.
The United Nations General Assembly designated April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day in 2007 to bring attention to the growing need to support the Autism community.
To help celebrate World Autism Awareness Day, guest writer, Noah McSweeney, who has written opinion pieces on Autism the past two years, has submitted a poem. “It’s one that I think will resonate with anyone who has ever been underestimated,” McSweeney said.
Give silence no unjust power
Inside we scream
Nothing warrants disregard for leaving minds hungry
Real truths undiscovered
Finding out eager appetites for knowledge exist
Makes even the brave tremble
Think some were left behind
Say some chose not to follow
Futile stubborn reasons bathed in best intentions
The opportunities fell away
Ready but unwilling
You can’t say I haven’t tried
Will you see me?
Or will you harbor resentment for things you will never understand?
So much is yet to be seen.