Students who want to run for Student Government Assembly positions can now submit applications for the 2021-2022 academic year, but only after attending a mandatory Zoom meeting explaining the election and governance process.
The meetings “are being held to introduce students to student governance at SRJC and to explain the rules and expectations we have for candidates,” said Zack Miranda, coordinator for student government programs. “During the meetings I will explain our program, the available positions, the benefits to being involved, and the entire election process and timeline.”
The last two meetings will be held at noon on March 3 and 4. A link to the meetings can be found here.
Miranda encouraged students to consider running for office because of the direct impact they can have on campus.
“We are currently going through an unprecedented time at SRJC with remote instruction and services, and the incoming group of student leaders will play a role in determining what bringing students back to campus will look like at our college,” Miranda said. “With issues like student housing, the district budget, and returning to campus on the table, I think this is one of the most important times to be a student leader at SRJC.”