Santa Rosa Junior College Student Government Assembly cautioned against online test proctoring software before reviewing student elections, health resources and Black History Month events at Monday’s Zoom meeting.
SRJC Computer Studies instructor Ethan Wilde gave a presentation about the dangers of automated online proctoring software like Proctorio. His conclusions: it does not work, and it is not necessary.
“It is really snake-oil, repurposed spyware, that does not effectively deter cheating and does not match the equivalent traditional academic practice of in-person proctoring,” Wilde said.
For more information, visit Wilde’s website, where students can complete an anonymous survey to share their experiences taking exams with proctoring software.
Student Body President Delashay Carmona Benson invited students to reach out to her directly with concerns about the software.
SGA Programs Coordinator Zack Miranda encouraged SRJC students to run for one of 13 student government positions. He emphasized the importance of being proactive as the college addresses critical issues like webcam policies and the return to in-person classes. Applications must be received by March 12 at 5 p.m. and can be found on the SRJC Student Life website.
Upcoming student health events include the Black Student Union and P.E.E.R.S. event “Mental Health Through a Cultural Lens” Feb. 25 at 4 p.m. and “Mondays with Mary” at Student Health Services. To make an appointment with SHS nurse practitioner Mary Wyman, students can call (707) 527-4445 or send an email.
SGA members finalized plans for the student Food Distribution on March 1 from 9–10 a.m. in the Emeritus Parking Lot at the Santa Rosa campus. Students will be able to pick up free food and face coverings at the event.
The SRJC dance program and the kinesiology, athletics and dance department will present a “Celebrating Black Voices in Dance” lecture series throughout the semester beginning Feb. 25 at 5 p.m. For more information, click here.