The Santa Rosa Junior College LGBTQ Presidential Advisory Committee will host a free online event Friday, Nov. 20 honoring lost transgender lives in observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance.
The event will showcase artwork by SRJC student Felix Santiago and original piano music by SRJC student Robert Howard. Nick Lawrence, manager of Foster and Kinship Care Education, will perform an original song titled “Invincible.”
Guests are encouraged by the committee to light a candle during the remembrance.
According to the Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide project, at least 350 transgender people were killed this year alone.
“Each person must listen to their inner voice, to find their right path in life and to express the gifts they have each been given,” Lawrence said. “Sometimes these very gifts are seen as threats by others when in fact they are just people expressing their inner feminine or masculine qualities.”
The Foster and Kinship Care Education program focuses on supporting the caregivers of foster children to meet their “educational, emotional, behavioral and developmental” needs.
The Zoom meeting will be open from 12:15–1 p.m. at this link.