Students who want to solidify their career goals will benefit by attending the annual Career Information Day at SRJC, April 25.
Career Information Day has been at SRJC for 12 years. The program helps students decide on a major and focus on a career goal as they think about transitioning from SRJC. Career advisor Suzanne Papa said career information day is the place where students can find out what careers are in demand and how to prepare, explore different majors and find resources that will help them get ahead.
Students at career information day can receive help from counselors, financial aid, scholarship and tutorial advisors. Papa said the Career Center encourages students to access all resources in finding an occupation that suits their wants and abilities.
“The career planning process requires one to take a personal inventory and to conduct extensive research to get their questions answered,” Papa said.
process. “Career Information Day is a great place to start and works well because you can speak face-to-face with people who are very familiar with the field,” Papa said.
“After Career Information Day, it is beneficial for students to further their exploration by taking a career guidance class, utilize Career Center resources, speak individually with a career counselor, conduct informational interviews and more,” Papa said.
Some students may procrastinate or have trouble deciding what they want to do for the rest of their lives but Career Information Day sheds light on the topic of decision-making. “Studies have shown that students who identify a major or a career direction early on tend to have a more positive experience in college,” Papa said. This invitation to have a better college experience is not an exclusive one. SRJC students, high school students and community members can attend Career Information Day and explore the different majors and careers. Papa expects there will be 40 tables staffed by SRJC career training programs to provide information.
The event is from 10:30-1:30 and is drop-in, so students are able to wander and explore the different tables. Careers may include community health worker, veterinary technician, interior design and much more.
Papa said that over the course of a lifetime the average person spends 80,000 hours on the job so the time you put in before choosing a major or career is valuable.