Directed and Edited by Catherine Ramirez
Shot and Reported by Celine Gossage and Catherine Ramirez
Student homelessness hits home
About the Contributors

Catherine Ramirez, Multimedia Editor

Arthur Gonzalez-Martin, Staff Writer
Arthur Gonzalez-Martin is a left-leaning social libertarian/Blue Dog who’s been going to the SRJC for nine years, exploring everything it has to offer till he took a journalism class and decided to stick with it. After four semesters at The Oak Leaf, one of which he was senior photographer, he’s continued as an intern for the program. In his spare time, Arthur writes short stories, including a collection of which he’s trying to get published; playing games like Dungeons & Dragons, board games and video games; and taking long hikes into nature.
Adrienne Lauby • Oct 4, 2016 at 10:53 pm
The situation for homeless students is so very harsh. There are empty buildings right up the street at the Chanate property. Why can’t one of those be opened to house homeless students? The County Supervisors plan to knock over the buildings and let someone build houses there. But, at least, it could help students today.
There is currently 200,000 square feet of vacant buildings on the County-owned Chanate property.
Thank you Catherine and Celine for a exposing some of the realities that students are living with . You did an excellent job.