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A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

What the Hell NFL

Drew Sheets, Opinion Editor
April 12, 2012

Swimming and Diving

Leah Phillips, Staff Writer
April 9, 2012

SRJC hosts Big 8 Tournament

Alex Campbell, Sports Editor
April 9, 2012

2012 MLB Preview

Dalton Johnson, Contributing Writer
April 9, 2012

Bear Cubs salvage a slow April start

Keshia Knight, Co-Editor-in-Chief
April 8, 2012
Both SRJC tennis teams enjoy smashing success

Both SRJC tennis teams enjoy smashing success

Ken Kutska, Assistant A&E Editor
March 11, 2012

Sport Report, Feb. 29

February 29, 2012

Track team has inter-squad meet

Alex Campbell, Sports Editor
February 28, 2012

MLB players workout at SRJC

Dalton Johnson, Contributing Writer
February 28, 2012

SRJC basketball program sets the bar

Alex Campbell, Sports Editor
February 28, 2012
Bear Cubs bust four-game losing streak

Bear Cubs bust four-game losing streak

Keshia Knight, Co-Editor-in-Chief
February 27, 2012

Sport Report, Feb. 22

February 23, 2012

SRJC basketball playoffs

Alex Campbell, Sports Editor
February 22, 2012

MLB players workout at SRJC

Dalton Johnson, Contributing Writer
February 21, 2012

Bear Cubs basketball update

Alex Campbell, Sports Editor
February 17, 2012

Sport Report, Feb. 15

February 15, 2012

Men’s Tennis sets sights high

Alex Campbell, Sports Editor
February 14, 2012

A “super” bowl

Leah Phillips, Staff Writer
February 14, 2012

Cubs fan holds onto hope

Ken Kutska, Assistant A&E Editor
February 14, 2012

NFL season underwhelming

Ken Kutska, Assistant A&E Editor
February 14, 2012

Twin sisters nationally recognized

Alex Campbel, Sports Editor
February 14, 2012

Bear Cubs feed off energy

Alex Campbel, Sports Editor
February 14, 2012

High hopes fuel baseball team

Sean Dougherty, Staff Writer
February 14, 2012

Golf team off to a fast start

Alex Campbell, Sports Editor
February 14, 2012

Who will win Super Bowl rematch

Leah Phillips, Staff Writer
February 3, 2012

Sport Report, Feb 1

February 1, 2012

The 49ers lost the NFC as a team

Leah Phillips, Staff Writer
January 31, 2012

“Pack the Den” is the motto

Alex Campbell, Sports Editor
January 29, 2012

Bear Cub basketball

Alex Campbell, Sports Editor
January 28, 2012

Bear Cub basketball

January 25, 2012

Bear Cub basketball

Alex Campbell, Sports Editor
January 23, 2012

How to be a successful student-athlete

Dalton Johnson, Contributing Writer
January 19, 2012

Volleyball team finishes second in state

Spencer Harris, co-editor-in-chife
December 15, 2011