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A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

The first women's march was held in Washington D.C. after president-elect Donald Trump's first inauguration on January 21, 2017.

OPINION: Preparing for Uncertainty

Leilany Sosa, Social Media Editor
December 18, 2024
A signle SMART train car travels through the rural crossing between Cotati and Petaluma. My return journey on the train was filled with riders, including two boy scouts who sat across from me while I worked at one of the tables on the train. They got on the train in Marin and left at the downtown Petaluma stop. This area of the route seemed to have the most riders entering and exiting.

Getting wise about SMART

Rosemary Cromwell, Reporter
December 14, 2023
Max Millan’s abuelito, Gonzalo, a native of Toluca, holds him up as a toddler as they look towards an early 2000s Mexico City sky. Along with his wife, Millan’s abuelita Teresa, Gonzalo remains a fixture in his grandson's memories. From suffering from the vices of alcoholism to evolving into a faithful Christian, Gonzalo's life has inspired Millan, even more so now that he’s become his last living grandparent.

Dreaming in Limbo

Max Millan, Reporter
November 30, 2023