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A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

Riley Anderson, aeronautics major, attempts to beat the high score in the time trial jump house after sumo-wrestling for the Love Club event in the quad on Feb. 14.

The Love Club

Dakota McGranahan, Photo Editor
February 15, 2018
A firefighter watches a controlled burn outside the juvenile correctional facility near Kenwood.

Sonoma county strong

Brandon Pham, Contributing Writer
December 12, 2017
Healing after the North Bay fires

Healing after the North Bay fires

La Reva Myles, Staff Writer
December 7, 2017
Clean-up crews use heavy machinery at Coffey Park Nov. 14.

Post-fire clean-up

James Wyatt, Editor-in-Chief
November 16, 2017

Just the Tip: Sexual Assault

Amoura Deering, Co-Features-Editor
November 14, 2017
Kiani Bush is trying to resume classes at the SRJC this semester after losing her
home on Oct. 9. She lost all of her school supplies and textbooks in the blaze. PC Rachel Edelstein

In the knick of time

Rachel Edestein, Web Editor
October 31, 2017
The sun rises over a smoky sky at SRJC on Monday Oct. 9.


Brandon McCapes, Deputy News Editor
October 18, 2017
Coffey Park resident gives a first-hand account of his experience Sunday night October 8 2017.

Coffey Park home saved by neighbor

Michael Barnes and Roberta MacIntyre, Deputy Editor and Staff Writer
October 17, 2017
Rumor has it

Rumor has it

Brandon McCapes, Deputy News Editor
October 12, 2017
SRJC women's volleyball team members furiously block a spike from their opponent.

Bear Cubs win third straight

Anthony Rea, Staff Writer
September 28, 2017

Big Oil’s grip

Chris Ludlow, Staff Writer
May 13, 2017
Come check out all the fun events and activities at Day Under the Oaks Sunday May 7.

Day Under the Oaks

Albert Gregory, Co-Editor-in-Chief
May 5, 2017

Snoozin’ on America’s pastime

Frank Sumrall, Contributing Editor
April 25, 2017
Although the Oakland Raiders are moving to Las Vegas local fans still have two years to cheer on the Super Bowl contenders.

Autumn wind rolls to Vegas

Parker Dangers Oncken, Senior Staff Writer
April 11, 2017
Chabot College catcher Jake McIntosh walks back to the dugout after striking out looking. Chabot batters struck out 27 times and didn't score a run in two games versus Santa Rosa Junior College to start the season.

SRJC sweeps Chabot, again

Will Mathis, Baseball Analyst
January 28, 2017
Many children grow up in households where their parents are divorced. Divorced parents often can be a hard issue for children.

Divorced parents, divided holidays

Grant Wetmore, Staff Writer
December 15, 2016