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A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

A student-operated publication at Santa Rosa Junior College.

The Oak Leaf

The years under the oaks

The years under the oaks

Jennifer Do, Staff Writer
May 3, 2018
Bad weather doesn't deter Yanise Ho in her blading journey across the country.

Bravery and the bladress

Adeira Sherpa, Co-Photo Editor
April 30, 2018
The speakers end the event with a panel by Matt Cox (2nd left), Nicolette Gottuso (middle) and Lyndsey Burcina (far right).

Route to recovery

Jennifer Do, Staff Writer
April 25, 2018
The Second Chance Club’s mission is to provide support and advocacy for formerly incarcerated students trying to turn their lives around through education. The club offers scholarship opportunities, workshops to clear records and a sense of community in a judgement-free zone.

The Educational Impact on Prison Lives

Sarah Ali, Contributing Writer
April 6, 2018
Engin Yesilyemis is a 43-year-old turkish immigrant and jazz student.

SRJC jazz student spotlight

Lauren Knigge, Staff Writer
March 6, 2018
The analog revival

The analog revival

Abraham Fuentes, Staff Writer
February 28, 2018
Danny Chaparro is Santa Rosa's first-ever community advisory board member from the Roseland area.

Roseland’s Street Soldier

Michael Barnes, Co-Editor-In-Chief
February 13, 2018
Making a debut appearance at club day, kinesiology major Maxwell Bernadini-Jaurique recruits students for lacrosse club. While originally recruiting men, Bernadini-Jaurique also started a second roster for women.

Club day 2018

Dakota McGranahan, Photo Editor
January 31, 2018
3859 Crestview Drive

3859 Crestview Drive

Vince Ferrari, Contributing Writer
January 3, 2018
Rose Hammock dances during the 2017 Sunrise Ceremony at the Ya-ka-ama in Forestville, California. Photo provided by Hammock.

The sunrise ceremony

Rachel Edelstein, Web Editor
December 12, 2017
A firefighter watches a controlled burn outside the juvenile correctional facility near Kenwood.

Sonoma county strong

Brandon Pham, Contributing Writer
December 12, 2017
Fires affect academics

Fires affect academics

Arlo David, Contributing Writer
December 12, 2017
Student Government Assembly President Evelyn Navarro is spearheading efforts to help SRJC students get their voices heard by SGA and SRJC administration as well.

From low GPA to President of SGA

Julia Modell, Contributing Writer
December 12, 2017
A real estate sign on Sebastopol Road, touting the recent annexation of Roseland as a selling point.

Annexation’s rose-colored glasses

Michael Barnes, Co-Features Editor
December 3, 2017
Read a Q and A with nine new SRJC faculty members.

Meet the new SRJC faculty

Charlotte Maxwell, Staff Writer
November 14, 2017
Chadwick Tatum, 30, is one of three sign spinners employed at Canevari's Deli in Santa Rosa.

Canevari’s off the menu special

Michael Barnes, Co-Features Editor
November 14, 2017
Kiani Bush is trying to resume classes at the SRJC this semester after losing her
home on Oct. 9. She lost all of her school supplies and textbooks in the blaze. PC Rachel Edelstein

In the knick of time

Rachel Edestein, Web Editor
October 31, 2017
SRJC student Nathan Lauterbach doesn’t recognize the hill where his family home once stood. The entire landscape was destroyed by the fire, along with his neighborhood. PC Rachel Edelstein

Surrounded by flames

Rachel Edlestein, Web Editor
October 31, 2017

Memories lost

Michael Barnes, Co-Features Editor
October 31, 2017