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Live from the student demonstrations on the Santa Rosa Junior College campus

Live from the student demonstrations on the Santa Rosa Junior College campus

Follow along today as Oak Leaf reporters cover the demonstration live from Santa Rosa Junior College…


2:20 p.m. Organizers announce that they plan to pitch tents at the courthouse later today. (Emelle Raschein)

Hana Seals

2:15 p.m. The protest is now coming to an end. Organizers are leading the march back to the quad. (Emelle Raschein)

Salvador Sandoval

2:10 p.m. The group has moved from the sign to surrounding shady areas. The crowd is still going strong. (Emelle Raschein)

Hana Seals

2:05 p.m. The protest is continuing past the planned 2 p.m. stop time. (Emelle Raschein)

Salvador Sandoval

1:22 p.m. A large group of protestors has begun to march to the front of campus. “Money for school and education, not for bombs and occupation.” Cars are honking in support as they pass by on Mendocino Avenue. (Emelle Raschein)

Peter Morales

1:15 p.m. Right now the crowd is warming up and practicing chants. They plan to march out to the SRJC sign and protest in front of the sign. (Emelle Raschein, Hana Seals)

Hana Seals

12:59 p.m. “The people that are here, we’re all tenured. So there’s a division among faculty, those that are associated, generally that are referred to as adjuncts, and then people that are on a tenure track. The people that are tenured have much more job security. And so, generally speaking, there’s a little bit less fear of using your power of free speech, but across the country, I mean, the economics chair at Emory got slammed to the ground,” said Dr. Michael Hale, English professor. (Emelle Raschein)

Peter Morales

12:55 p.m. Administrators were not aware that the protest plans on taking to the streets and marching. (Emelle Raschein)

Hana Seals

12:54 p.m. Another round of speeches has ended. Students are now taking part in sign making, drum circles, henna tattoos and overall community building. (Hana Seals)

Hana Seals

12:52 p.m. “Well, I think anytime, an event that starts with a peaceful engagement results in basically non peaceful action. It’s tragic. It’s sad,” said Dr. Garcia when asked about police reactions to protests at campuses across the US. (Emelle Raschein)

Salvador Sandoval

12:50 p.m. “I love seeing students engaging in their learning and in their leadership capacity and helping to create this space,” said Dr. Angélica Garcia, college president, when asked what she thought of the protest happening today. “I think that students are sometimes the best teachers about what it means to engage in, in discourse and in building community.” (Emelle Raschein)

Salvador Sandoval

12:34 p.m. Organizers lead a minute of silence to mourn the struggle and suffering of Palestinians in Gaza. They stand in silence to show respect for the people of Palestine. (Hana Seals)

Hana Seals

12:33 p.m. Sierra, a student leader from MENAA, leads 100 protestors in a chant, “Shalom, salaam, stop dropping bombs!” (Hana Seals)

Hana Seals

12:31 p.m. Rami Nacuozi, of MENAA, just gave an emotional speech describing his experience in Lebanon as a Lebanese citizen. Nacuozi said, “Representative Mike Thompson, shame on you. Senator Alex Padilla, shame on you. President Joe Biden, shame on you.” (Emelle Raschein) Editor’s Note: This quote was originally attributed to the incorrect speaker.

Peter Morales

12:10 p.m. Speeches have started. Two Indigenous woman started the conversation with a land acknowledgment. The crowd has gathered, speakers cycle out. (Hana Seals)

Hana Seals

11:57 a.m. The college representatives in the information booth for the event came to a decision to not interact with media. Faculty when approached told reporters they would not comment and rerouted press to SRJC communication director Sarah Laggos. (Hana Seals)

11:55 a.m. The schedule for today’s protest from the SRJC MENAA instagram page.

11:45 a.m. More than 60 individuals fill the Bertolini Quad, on the Santa Rosa campus flying Palestinian flags while ‘The Revolution Will Not Be Televised’ by singer, Gil Scott-Heron, echoes in the background. (Hana Seals)

About the Contributors
Hana Seals
Hana Seals, Editor
Hana Seals (she/her) is in her fourth semester at Santa Rosa Junior College, and is preparing to transfer to a four-year school with a major in Journalism. She mainly covers breaking news, community issues and local crime. Outside of writing she spends her time watching documentaries, drawing and opening time with friends and family. Professional content consumer.
Emelle Raschein
Emelle Raschein, Managing Editor
Emelle Raschein is in her fourth semester at The Oak Leaf News. After moving up from reporter to News Editor, Emelle has become the new Managing Editor of the news organization. Emelle hopes to transfer to a CSU in the near future and work towards becoming an investigative reporter.
Peter Morales
Peter Morales, Editor
Peter Morales is in his fourth semester reporting for The Oak Leaf and working towards a journalism degree, with his sights on San Francisco State. He hopes to take more photos of general news as well as sports. His dream is to one day accomplish something with his life, and cause as many problems to the status quo through storytelling and photography. “Who knows, maybe I’ll destabilize a government or two before my mid-life crisis.”
Sal Sandoval-Garduno
Sal Sandoval-Garduno, News Editor
Sal Sandoval-Garduno is in his 1st semester at the Oak Leaf and is hoping to transfer to Cal Poly Humboldt to continue majoring in Journalism. Sal can normally be found scurrying around abandoned buildings, engaging in deep philosophical debates on long drives, and being reminded of his lack of gym attendance at punk show mosh pits.
Sean Shanks
Sean Shanks, Reporter
Sean is in his first semester at the Oak Leaf. He would like to travel and tell people’s stories, partially because life can be so insufferably boring, but mostly because people’s stories are beautiful and accountability is awesome.
Evan Nazarov
Evan Nazarov, Reporter
Evan Nazarov (he/him) is in his second semester at the Oak Leaf.