We’ve all been there, you brought another case of chocolate chip cookies to a potluck from a random supermarket. But have you wondered if the one you purchased were any good? No need to drive around town trying to find the best market cookies, we’ve done that for you. Watch Alex and Edgar taste test cookies from different supermarkets and see what they think is the best one.
Which supermarket has the best chocolate chip cookies?
About the Contributors

Edgar Soria Garcia, Magazine Editor
Edgar Soria Garcia is in his final semester at The Oak Leaf; he is the magazine editor for Spring 2020. He hopes to transfer to Cal State Fullerton in the fall to get his bachelor’s in journalism. Edgar would describe himself as Shangela acting as Jennifer Lewis on Snatch Game (Rupaul’s Drag Race). Edgar is known for quoting Suga Free: “If you stay ready, you ain’t got to get ready.”

Alex Fuller, Editor-in-Chief
Alex Fuller (she/they) is a communications major in her fifth semester at SRJC and The Oak Leaf, where she is editor-in-chief. After two years attempting a photography degree at Napa Valley College, she switched gears and transferred to SRJC to pursue communications. Alex has been working in PR with her father for most of her life but only discovered her love of journalism when she started at SRJC. In her free time, Alex enjoys long walks on the beach, sushi dates, playing music and streaming video games on her Twitch channel, AlchemicalKitty. She hopes to continue to a 4-year college after graduating from SRJC to work towards a bachelor’s degree in communications.