A student will spend most of their college career studying outside of class, and the best place to study without distraction is the library.
Of course Santa Rosa Junior College’s libraries offer a quiet space for students to study, but they also provide valuable resources to help students make the most of their time hitting the books.
If you’re the type of student who has one go-to spot for studying, you could be missing all the libraries have to offer.
Here’s five things you may not know about how SRJC libraries can help you succeed:
1- New Library Hours:
Students asked for extended hours and the Doyle Library delivered. The Santa Rosa campus’ library is now open from 7:45 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday .
The Mahoney Library on the Petaluma campus will keep its regular hours of operation from 7:45 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.

Smita Avasthi, a public services librarian, works at the reserve desk inside Doyle library.
2- Textbooks on reserve:
Both libraries offer instructors the option of a course reserve, a hold on specific textbook titles so students can access their textbooks through the library. So if you forgot a textbook at home or simply cannot afford one, the library will have the material.
Depending on the textbook, students can check out books for two hours or even to a day. The reserve desks are located on the fourth floor in the Doyle Library and the first floor in the Mahoney Library.
3- Reserve study rooms and digital media suites:
Reserve a study room at both the Doyle and Mahoney libraries for individual or group study in a quiet space. Each room is equipped with a whiteboard and a TV that can be connected to a smartphone or other device.
The new digital media suites are located on the second floor of the Doyle Library. Approved students can access a green screen, an audio recording room and virtual reality equipment. The suites are open to SRJC students enrolled in digital media classes or students the digital media faculty have approved for access.

4- Workshops:
The library curates a variety of online and in-person workshops to help students leverage research tools for classes and beyond. There are no sign ups needed. The workshops range from teaching students how to use MLA and APA citation platforms such as NoodleTools to instructing students on identifying fake news in media offered year round.
Special Student Success Workshops are also available throughout the semester, such as “Making the Most of Google Drive” being held on Feb. 20 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Doyle library in room 4327.
5- Free resources for your research projects:
Stop googling resources on for research projects and take advantage of the library’s vast online database of academic journals, streaming services and more. Your tuition covers the price for access.
The library staff are always available to help with any questions regarding choosing a research topic, finding credible sources and correctly citing them.
And don’t forget about Research guides, expansive collections of background information, literary critiques and other information. Instructors and librarians collaborate on these guides to support students in particular projects.
So to study smart, visit Santa Rosa Junior College libraries.